Topsy Turvy

I wrote the following poem in my final year at university for a creative writing module. As a rule I prefer fiction to poetry but I had a lot of fun writing this one, probably because it’s a compilation of stories! This poem refers to 17 stories, either by act, name, quote or character, can you guess them all?

Topsy Turvy, Upsy Daisy

“When in Wonderland do as the Hatters

do,” said Alice as she climbed out of the

rabbit hole and back into the world, (where

madness is called polite society).

5     I walked through the woods with Christopher Robin

to have tea with Mr. Toad. And as I returned on

the train to Hogwarts, that greedy Gretel ate

the trail of breadcrumbs, so we couldn’t

find our way to Mr. Wonka’s factory. He told me,

10   “Take a coat with you to the wardrobe, it’s cold!”

and I replied “that’s elementary my dear,

you go meet Mr. Jekyll, and I’ll hyde from

the mad woman in the attic, run Jane, run,

before they lock you in room 101,

15   didn’t you know it’s a sin To Kill A Mockingbird?”

Lizzie overcame her pride to marry Mr. Darcy,

but poor Pip and Estella weren’t meant to be

ignored like The Scarlet Letter

(signed P.S. I loved You),

20   because you were expecting Mr. Bond.

If you could hear me, I’d help you:

“run!” “stay!” “hide!”

But, you don’t know me.

And, I know you all too well.

And that’s it! Please let me know what you think! Did you get all 17 clues?

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